Friday, November 26, 2010

Child Brain Injury Have Normal Life Opportunities

Children who suffered brain injuries have a chance to live like a normal child. By utilizing the brain that are still healthy, child brain injury can be optimized motor skills and intellectual. When a convicted child suffered brain injury, parents often confused what to do.

Various therapies do to make their children return to normal as physical therapy, speech therapy, and vision therapy. Unfortunately the result is often considered less satisfactory, although in some cases this kind of therapy brought little change.
READ MORE - Child Brain Injury Have Normal Life Opportunities

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in the Fetus

Pregnant women are often bothered by feeling worried about the health of future babies. To wipe out anxiety, is now already available tests to detect early on whether the baby to be born has a birth defect or congenital abnormality.

Examination of genetic abnormality is generally done by women who previously gave birth to children with birth defects or have a history of genetic disease in their families, such as fibrosis, thalassemia and other cell abnormalities. As such, can know whether their baby is exposed to the disease or not.
READ MORE - Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in the Fetus

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When Our Children, No "Perfect"

Every parent would wish to have a baby is "perfect". However, reality does not always meet all expectations. When the child was diagnosed with disorders, such as disability, down syndrome or autism, of course there are feelings of sadness and anger.

Feelings of anger, could not accept, even feeling ashamed to admit it happened in the family is a natural reaction. According to Gobin Vashdew, parenting motivator, these reactions arise because we are not ready to accept the reality.

The feeling down there because they were not ready. This can cause stress and the condition is not easy to escape from stress.
READ MORE - When Our Children, No "Perfect"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Detection of Mental Retardation with Blood Test

Scientists continue to develop test methods to detect any abnormalities or Mental Retardation in the fetus. The newest is a blood test to determine chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Blood tests are simple in nature, it is expected that one day could replace invasive tests detect Mental Retardation. Currently, the test method used is amniocentesis, which is taking action in small amounts of amniotic fluid using a needle through the abdominal wall of pregnant women. It's just that the test could pose a risk of miscarriage.
READ MORE - Detection of Mental Retardation with Blood Test

Saturday, November 6, 2010

People with Mental Retardation Face Almost Same

The emergence of the news of his life back young man named Salim in Warakas, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, inviting the attention of citizens. Salim, who died in September 2008 at the age of 18 years, suddenly appeared at the house rented one of her relatives and villagers believed that she was alive again.

Children who appear all of a sudden it does have physical characteristics similar to the original Salim, son of the couple Bunyamin (70) and Kaswina (60). The boy suffered physical and mental retardation or better known by the term mental retardation.
READ MORE - People with Mental Retardation Face Almost Same

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

24 Hours Serve Problems Mental Retardation

Grapple with the severity of family problems did not make it three mothers discouraged. From their hands to make a service to alleviate the injury to share and change tears into laughter.

Fadhillah Noni is a mother who had given birth and her daughter had Down syndrome learn, he had felt very upset. He refused. Why did she have to deserve this? she desperately wanted a normal child. What is it? What she had done nothing wrong. What she has done something unpopular or out of line?
READ MORE - 24 Hours Serve Problems Mental Retardation