Friday, November 26, 2010

Child Brain Injury Have Normal Life Opportunities

Children who suffered brain injuries have a chance to live like a normal child. By utilizing the brain that are still healthy, child brain injury can be optimized motor skills and intellectual. When a convicted child suffered brain injury, parents often confused what to do.

Various therapies do to make their children return to normal as physical therapy, speech therapy, and vision therapy. Unfortunately the result is often considered less satisfactory, although in some cases this kind of therapy brought little change.
READ MORE - Child Brain Injury Have Normal Life Opportunities

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in the Fetus

Pregnant women are often bothered by feeling worried about the health of future babies. To wipe out anxiety, is now already available tests to detect early on whether the baby to be born has a birth defect or congenital abnormality.

Examination of genetic abnormality is generally done by women who previously gave birth to children with birth defects or have a history of genetic disease in their families, such as fibrosis, thalassemia and other cell abnormalities. As such, can know whether their baby is exposed to the disease or not.
READ MORE - Detection of Genetic Abnormalities in the Fetus

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When Our Children, No "Perfect"

Every parent would wish to have a baby is "perfect". However, reality does not always meet all expectations. When the child was diagnosed with disorders, such as disability, down syndrome or autism, of course there are feelings of sadness and anger.

Feelings of anger, could not accept, even feeling ashamed to admit it happened in the family is a natural reaction. According to Gobin Vashdew, parenting motivator, these reactions arise because we are not ready to accept the reality.

The feeling down there because they were not ready. This can cause stress and the condition is not easy to escape from stress.
READ MORE - When Our Children, No "Perfect"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Detection of Mental Retardation with Blood Test

Scientists continue to develop test methods to detect any abnormalities or Mental Retardation in the fetus. The newest is a blood test to determine chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Blood tests are simple in nature, it is expected that one day could replace invasive tests detect Mental Retardation. Currently, the test method used is amniocentesis, which is taking action in small amounts of amniotic fluid using a needle through the abdominal wall of pregnant women. It's just that the test could pose a risk of miscarriage.
READ MORE - Detection of Mental Retardation with Blood Test

Saturday, November 6, 2010

People with Mental Retardation Face Almost Same

The emergence of the news of his life back young man named Salim in Warakas, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, inviting the attention of citizens. Salim, who died in September 2008 at the age of 18 years, suddenly appeared at the house rented one of her relatives and villagers believed that she was alive again.

Children who appear all of a sudden it does have physical characteristics similar to the original Salim, son of the couple Bunyamin (70) and Kaswina (60). The boy suffered physical and mental retardation or better known by the term mental retardation.
READ MORE - People with Mental Retardation Face Almost Same

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

24 Hours Serve Problems Mental Retardation

Grapple with the severity of family problems did not make it three mothers discouraged. From their hands to make a service to alleviate the injury to share and change tears into laughter.

Fadhillah Noni is a mother who had given birth and her daughter had Down syndrome learn, he had felt very upset. He refused. Why did she have to deserve this? she desperately wanted a normal child. What is it? What she had done nothing wrong. What she has done something unpopular or out of line?
READ MORE - 24 Hours Serve Problems Mental Retardation

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Mental Retardation" Must be Given Opportunity

As many as 230 people with disabilities showing tremendous spirit at athletic Cup finals in Field BPOC KONI-East Java, Indonesia. They proved themselves capable of achievement in sport.

Indra who was 13 years old, winner of the race run 50 meters with visual impairments, completing the track in 11.85 seconds. Students YPAB Surabaya is led from the whistle sounded and managed to run straight without getting out of line. Despite the fact he was afraid, but he believes it and ran as fast as possible.

Kaspin 13-year-old, who was in the rear position, also show sincerity to arrive at the finish. Students who experience this total blindness came last with a time 16.03 seconds.
READ MORE - "Mental Retardation" Must be Given Opportunity

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mental Retardation Child Win the International Swimming Champion

There was never imagined by his mother, that her son Reviera Novitasari 15 years old who suffer from mental retardation received a bronze medal 100-meter breaststroke swimming on the international swimming championships in Canberra Australia, 11-13 April 2008.

Beginning her mother confessed that she knew her son had mental retardation shortly after birth. The incident made her feel sad.

Goieha remember, since the face of her fourth child was born it has almost the same faces as the face of the Mongols. To ensure Reviera circumstances, a doctor at the hospital Manuela Jakarta advised to check their blood at the time was six months old.
READ MORE - Mental Retardation Child Win the International Swimming Champion

Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Hope For People with "Mental Retardation"

One cause of mental retardation (Down syndrome) in children is a disorder neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. If this disorder can be corrected, big hope for mentally retarded children have intelligence like a normal child.

The theory is now being tested by Ahmad Salehi, scientists from Stanford University School of Medicine, USA. In his research he uses norepinephrine to reverse the learning ability in mice that have symptoms similar to mental retardation in humans, which has the increase in the number of chromosomes.
READ MORE - New Hope For People with "Mental Retardation"

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Children of "Down Syndrome" Must Can Independent

Attention to Down syndrome children in Indonesia ten years back began to appear. One of them with the activities carried out by the Down Syndrome Association of Indonesia (ISDI).

In ISDI itself a Center of Hope was founded to educate the children down syndrome. According to the Chairman ISDI Aryanti Rosihan Yacub, support for children with special needs such as Down syndrome should continue to be encouraged, especially by the parents of children with Down syndrome.

"At the center ISDI children can be briefed to be more independent because of many things that must be learned in life," said Aryanti to the media on Sunday (24/1/2010), who met when she was accompanying her son on Golf Pondok Indah, Jakarta .
READ MORE - Children of "Down Syndrome" Must Can Independent

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Theory of Cause "Down Syndrome"

Until now, experts do not know the exact cause of Down syndrome or mental retardation disorders. Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality on chromosome 21 where additional amounts of chromosomes.

There are 22 pairs of human chromosomes. In those affected by Down syndrome, chromosome to chromosome-21 there are additional or displacement chromosomes from other places so that the chromosome 21 plus the we know trisomy 21.

Due to the addition of chromosomes, there will be disorder in children. Usually the disorder of the nerves, bones, skin, heart and digestive function.
READ MORE - New Theory of Cause "Down Syndrome"

Friday, October 1, 2010

Iodine Deficiency Causes Mental Retardation

Thousands of children will be threatened with impaired mental retardation or "idiot" due to lack of iodine salt. Iodine salt deficiency was found to also affect a child's mental retardation can result in a comment. Even the most, at this time in the community are still many outstanding salt contains no iodine, not the least of people who also buy salt without iodine in salt content.

Some experts said the lack of iodine salt is dangerous because it can give birth a generation that is not qualified and not productive. Salt iodine deficiency can lead to generation of idiots or mental retardation, short body, dumb, deaf or paralyzed.
READ MORE - Iodine Deficiency Causes Mental Retardation

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tay-Sachs Disease Causes Mental Retardation

Tay-Sachs disease is a rare genetic disorder, which occurs in the formation of fat cells, particularly in brain and nerve cells (neurons). Causing mental retardation and physical barriers to the development of normal accompanied by seizures, blindness, paralysis and death. There is no specific treatment for this disorder.

This disease consists of several types, whereas the focus in this article is Tay-Sachs Infantil Acute most frequently found.

People with this disease have enzyme levels heksosamidase A (hex A) is low compared to those working to solve this normal.Enzim gangliosida (a fat) in body cells. These fatty compounds are gradually buried and cause damage to brain cells and nerves so that these cells do not function properly.
READ MORE - Tay-Sachs Disease Causes Mental Retardation

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Prevention and Treatment of Mental Retardation

Prevention of mental retardation depends on understanding the various causes. The field of medical genetics has not been able to prevent a more severe genetic cause of mental retardation, but the amazing advances in genetics may change this situation in the not too long. If the cause of retardation is not known, then the prevention is not possible. However, treatment to enhance the ability of the person to live independently can be an option.

When poor neighborhoods become a source of mild retardation, enrichment programs, such as Head Start, to prevent exacerbation experienced weakness and sometimes can overcome the weaknesses that have occurred.
READ MORE - Prevention and Treatment of Mental Retardation

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Preventing Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is a weakness that occurs in the function of intellect. The ability of mentally retarded people fail to grow properly. Mental, intelligence, feelings, and his will be at a low level, so that the relevant experience barriers to adjustment.

Here are some ways that can be done to prevent the occurrence of mental retardation:
READ MORE - Preventing Mental Retardation

Monday, September 6, 2010

Causes of Mental Retardation

In the United States the prevalence of this disorder is 3:100 people (The Arc, 2001). American Psychiatric Association year 2000 (in Rathus, 2005, h.149-153) states the cause of mental retardation can be caused by:

Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities 

Wade in 2000 declared the most common chromosomal abnormality that causes mental retardation is Down syndrome which is characterized by the presence of excess chromosome or a third chromosome on the 21st chromosome pair, resulting in chromosome number to 47.
READ MORE - Causes of Mental Retardation

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Characteristics of Mental Retardation Children

Mental Retardation (Mental Retardation / Mentally Retarded) means mentally retarded. Mental retardation is often akin to the terms, as follows: Feeble-minded, Mentally Retarded, Idiot, Moron, Totally Dependent, Mental Disability, Intellectual Disorders.

Characteristics of mentally retarded children by Brown et al, 1991; Wolery & Haring, 1994 on Exceptional Children, fifth edition, p.485-486, 1996 states:
READ MORE - Characteristics of Mental Retardation Children

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Genetic Disorders Causing Mental Retardation

Scientists in the United States identified the genetic disorder that causes retardation or mental retardation and epilepsy. Disturbance of small segments of DNA code is missing, as revealed by the research team leader from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Washington Evan Eichler, also cause malformations, the abnormality of form or structure of organs.

Evan Eichler led the team consists of 33 researchers from the U.S., Italy and Britain to menscreening entire genomes of 757 individuals with mental retardation. Syndrome is still not known his name is associated with a small segment of DNA code found in one out of 330 cases of retardation with the causes that have not been clear. This syndrome is estimated to affect one out of 40,000 general population.
READ MORE - Genetic Disorders Causing Mental Retardation

Friday, August 20, 2010

Definition Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is an axis II disorder, is defined in the DSM IV TR as: (1) intellectual function below the average together with, (2) Lack of adaptive behavior, and (3) Happen before the age of 18 years. Criteria for mental retardation in the DSM IV TR are as follows:

(1) intellectual function is significantly below the average, an IQ of less than 70, (2) Lack of social adaptive functioning in at least two areas: communication, self care, family life, interpersonal skills, use of community resources, ability to take their own decisions, functional academic skills, recreation, employment, health and safety, (3) Happen before the age of 18.
READ MORE - Definition Mental Retardation