Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tay-Sachs Disease Causes Mental Retardation

Tay-Sachs disease is a rare genetic disorder, which occurs in the formation of fat cells, particularly in brain and nerve cells (neurons). Causing mental retardation and physical barriers to the development of normal accompanied by seizures, blindness, paralysis and death. There is no specific treatment for this disorder.

This disease consists of several types, whereas the focus in this article is Tay-Sachs Infantil Acute most frequently found.

People with this disease have enzyme levels heksosamidase A (hex A) is low compared to those working to solve this normal.Enzim gangliosida (a fat) in body cells. These fatty compounds are gradually buried and cause damage to brain cells and nerves so that these cells do not function properly.
READ MORE - Tay-Sachs Disease Causes Mental Retardation

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Prevention and Treatment of Mental Retardation

Prevention of mental retardation depends on understanding the various causes. The field of medical genetics has not been able to prevent a more severe genetic cause of mental retardation, but the amazing advances in genetics may change this situation in the not too long. If the cause of retardation is not known, then the prevention is not possible. However, treatment to enhance the ability of the person to live independently can be an option.

When poor neighborhoods become a source of mild retardation, enrichment programs, such as Head Start, to prevent exacerbation experienced weakness and sometimes can overcome the weaknesses that have occurred.
READ MORE - Prevention and Treatment of Mental Retardation

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Preventing Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is a weakness that occurs in the function of intellect. The ability of mentally retarded people fail to grow properly. Mental, intelligence, feelings, and his will be at a low level, so that the relevant experience barriers to adjustment.

Here are some ways that can be done to prevent the occurrence of mental retardation:
READ MORE - Preventing Mental Retardation

Monday, September 6, 2010

Causes of Mental Retardation

In the United States the prevalence of this disorder is 3:100 people (The Arc, 2001). American Psychiatric Association year 2000 (in Rathus, 2005, h.149-153) states the cause of mental retardation can be caused by:

Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities 

Wade in 2000 declared the most common chromosomal abnormality that causes mental retardation is Down syndrome which is characterized by the presence of excess chromosome or a third chromosome on the 21st chromosome pair, resulting in chromosome number to 47.
READ MORE - Causes of Mental Retardation

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Characteristics of Mental Retardation Children

Mental Retardation (Mental Retardation / Mentally Retarded) means mentally retarded. Mental retardation is often akin to the terms, as follows: Feeble-minded, Mentally Retarded, Idiot, Moron, Totally Dependent, Mental Disability, Intellectual Disorders.

Characteristics of mentally retarded children by Brown et al, 1991; Wolery & Haring, 1994 on Exceptional Children, fifth edition, p.485-486, 1996 states:
READ MORE - Characteristics of Mental Retardation Children